Saturday 10 October 2009

Get yo'self a piece o' Commodore art!

So just in case you're sitting around this afternoon, checking your bank account and realize that you have all this extra money lying around and just can't think of what to spend it on, I have a suggestion!

The Emerging Artists auction sponsored by Daniel Cooney Fine Arts Gallery on ends in just a few days (October 15th). And yes, yours truly has a very nice print in the auction, not to mention the other fabulous artists keeping me company on the list.

And if somehow that's just too steep for ya, well, the show at Baby Grand (in SOHO) is about half sold out. Those of you that missed the opening (shame on you!) might have missed me actually singing (oh yeah, now you feel left out), but you still have a chance to go see the show and pick up a bunch of art for mere pennies! Well, bunches of pennies...ok, dollars...fifty of them to be precise.

And for people that don't actually live anywhere near New York, I'll put pictures up soon, promise. I forgot my camera, so I'm just waiting for Jacob to get me his picts of the evening and then I'll really let you know what kind of party you missed. Cause the best thing about having an opening at a karaoke bar is that there is singing and drinks until 4 am, and the worst part of having an opening at a karaoke bar is that there is singing and drinks until 4 am. Everyone wins!

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