Monday, 25 October 2010

Bunches of art

So a while back I mentioned this amazing show that I was in SOHO at a fantastic gallery called Spattered Columns (you remember, the opening I missed back in September because I was working on my tan).  Well, the closing was on the 19th, and it was also a spectacular success (in the words of the gallery owner at least).  There was a panel discussion between the artists, the curator, and the Director of the Flux Factory, Ginger Shulick, which I naturally stressed about for weeks, and went quite smoothly and absolutely nothing embarrassing was asked while my parents were in the audience.

Also, remember that restaurant with the amazing clams from god? Well, I actually got my parents there to enjoy its plentiful splendors...mmmmm clams from god...after all my talk of never getting my parents that far south to enjoy some of the wonderful food choices hidden around the rest of Manhattan, they found themselves already that far south, so it was a natural leap to dragging them a few blocks away to MSG heaven.  And yes, we ate until we almost burst...and then I went a celebrated some more with some good whiskey in the LES.

But back to the more important's your chance to take a look at the show! Even though it's already taken down, walls returned to white, and the next show already installed.

The blue wallpaper installation in the back is Sean Lugo's and the wall collage is by Natalie Lanese.

Here's another image of Natalie's piece and how it then interacted with Beth Ann Morrison's installation space.

See! Awesome! Woohoo! Artstars!

If you feel the need to just see the highlights of my part of the show, feel free to come by my apartment...because there's now a lot of framed art up in my entryway just in case anyone missed it at Spattered Columns.  Or if you did see it, but just miss it, and want to spend some more time with pretty dirty pictures.

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