Come one, come all to my fabulous showing of the most amazing pieces of scrimshaw the eyes can see! Or at least the most amazing pieces of scrimshaw with small dirty pictures on them that you can see in a karaoke bar...
Tomorrow night, being Wednesday, me and everyone that cares to will be at Baby Grand (on the corner of Lafayette and Grand in SOHO), reveling in beautiful things, imbibing cocktails, and hopefully singing Indie classics (albeit not me). Festivities start at 6:00ish and end when everyone goes home. It is a work night, so I only expect the hardest of hardcore folks to stay out too late...or at least the unemployed, such as myself.
And the these tiny pieces of ivory will be for sale! Just think, for the cost of an evening out you could take away (well in November you can take it away) a pocket sized dirty picture of someone you may even know!
So come on out and play! And sing! And look at pretty things!
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