Dreams do come true.
But I'm almost done, so close to being finished and never having to move again...that is unless I choose to. And what are the chances of that happening?
Or at least I would be close to being completely unpacked if all my furniture hadn't been broken by the movers. OK, maybe not all, but pretty close. For those of you not following my every move on facebook, the final tally is 3 pieces of furniture declared destroyed, 2 others fixed, 1 other off to the moving company's repair guy's shop, and 1 just not worth fixing (all it has is some weird damage on the inside of the cabinet). Not to mention the myriad of scrapes and dents in everything else. I didn't need furniture, right? I mean, I like living out of cardboard boxes.
And for all of you that know me so well, you would think, oh Lord protect that moving company, they cannot possibly be prepared for the wrath that is about to be unleashed on them...and truth be told, I didn't channel Super Bitch, because as I mentioned before it's just too hot to be angry. Thinking about getting angry makes me want to take a ice cold shower. And so now I wait until they decide how much money they're going to give me, and hopefully they cut me a fat check before it gets cool outside and I once again have the energy to express emotions again.
But for those of you who are curious, here's some of the highlights of what was once my furniture...enjoy!
This was my desk chair. It's solid wood. It used to have 4 legs. But I guess that was at least 1 too many, you can see the separatist leg just at the bottom of the picture...
these used to be straight. Promise.
just a little busted in...I didn't want a back to my desk drawers, really..
the back of this shelving/drawing unit was so bashed in you couldn't open the drawers in the front. The repair man removed the back completely. Now you an at least open the drawers, but then everything falls out of them through the back. Very useful.
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